Attention Windows users: if you install Acrobat for Windows properly, QuickTime for Windows, QuickTime for Windows Player,Acrobat search and other plug-ins, will be installed for you. Try running "setup.exe" in \ACROBAT\V2\WIN\DISK1 to install Acrobat Search for Windows. QuickTime files: WINDOWS: qt16.exe --> QuickTime 2.1.1 for Windows 3.1 (16-bit) WINDOWS: qt32.exe --> QuickTime 2.1.1 for Windows 95 and NT (32-bit) MACINTOSH: qt.sea.hqx --> QuickTime 2.1 for Macintosh (includes QT, the QT Movie Player, PowerPlug and Musical Instruments MACINTOSH: SM32.sea.hqx --> QuickTime Sound Manager for Macintosh WINDOWS: QTVRW.exe --> QuickTime VR Player for Windows 3.1 WINDOWS: QTVRW32.exe --> QuickTime VR Player for Windws 95/NT MACINTOSH: VRMAC.sea.hqx --> QuickTime VR Player for Macintosh MACINTOSH: sprkl245.sea --> Sparkle, MPEG player